Rio Hondo, Darien, Panama
In Rio Hondo, the community now enjoys clean water due to the installation of an additional mainline which provides water 24/7. The community would still use an intake filter, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) education, and re-evaluation of other infrastructure.
The Rio Hondo community shows a great need and desire for community development and involvement. Rio Hondo, and the surrounding region of Embera Wounaan, have an infant mortality rate of 30.32, rampant waterborne illnesses, and a median monthly income of less than $100. Despite their circumstances, the community contributes labor and 10% of funds (~$500) towards their water project and a commitment to future maintenance.
Through the efforts of this project, including the municipal water system and WASH education, Solea Water sees a brighter future for the people of Rio Hondo. This future includes improved health, decreased infant mortality, decreased waterborne illnesses, increased time in the classroom for students, and an overall increase in the quality of life for the people of Rio Hondo.
Population: 310
PROJEct Cost: $11,000
Project: Infrastructure Repair
Project Completed June 2017
Project Details
phase 1
October 2015 - December 2015
Construction & procurement of materials
Milestone 1: infrastructure completion
Progress Point: programs planned & project logistics finalized
Phase 3
February 2016 - on
Clean water is provided in Rio Hondo through a system that is used & maintained appropriately
Evaluation of program implementation
phase 2
January 2016 - February 2016
Monitor for effective maintenance
Ensure the water committee is functioning properly
Conduct WASH education
Conduct water testing to ensure proper water quality is achieved
Milestone 2: 4 months of water provided through the end of the year